Smartphone Orienteering, Tewkesbury, Thursday Evening

Published by Pat Macleod on

Meet in Morrisons carpark, Ashchurch Road, Gl10 8AB, 18:30.

All you need is a smartphone, ideally with the maprun app and Tewkesbury course downloaded, plus £3 entry fee.

MapRun offers a new take on the standard training run… Spice things up by running to virtual “checkpoints” using a simplified street map to find the way, and your phone’s GPS to automatically record each visit. Each checkpoint will earn you “points”, and the aim is to accumulate as many points as possible and return back to the starting point within 1 hour. Make sure you’re not late if you are to avoid a penalty! You could say it’s like Pokemon Go – but with a real purpose 😉

Your result goes onto the overall leader board so you can see how you’ve done against everyone else, and can compare routes via our website. To get the best result, plan the shortest route between checkpoints and estimate well how much ground you can cover in 1 hour. Of course, you can run the course again and again until you’ve got it perfect :-).

You can find all the info you need on how to use the app, and how to find us, at

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