Maprun Christmas Challenge

There are only 4 days left to complete your maprun Christmas Challenge. Lots of people are on 5 or 6 runs, so still time left to make the target of 8 runs, still several courses that haven’t been run in this year’s challenge, and still time to collect a few Read more…

Our Updated Website

Welcome to our refreshed Maprun Gloucestershire website. There is still a lot of checking and finishing off to be done, so don’t be surprised if links etc break, but we will keep working on it and hopefully we’ll have done all of the checking in the next couple of days. (more…)

Cinderford Upper

In due time there will be two courses in Cinderford – Upper, which is based at Forest High School above the town, Lower, which will be based at the Rugby Club training pitch by the Linear Park at the bottom of town. Cinderford is built on the side of a Read more…

New maprun Activities

We are pleased to announce the introduction of two new maprun course variants – maptrail and mapride. Maptrail is for runners looking for a training run on a set course. The course is marked on the map, with checkpoints at fixed distance markers, and the maprun app shows the runner Read more…

Gloucester maprun

Many thanks and well done to everyone who risked the rain and came out last night for our last run maprun of the year. It was particularly fortunate that the rain did in fact hold off, as I managed to lock myself out of my car with several people’s kit Read more…