Maprun 2 – Charlton Kings

Published by Pat Macleod on

A small but select group hit Charlton Kings this evening for maprun 2. Richard Purkis and Paul Horsfall both topped the 14km/500 point mark, with scores close but somewhat distorted by Richard’s 30 point time penalty… is quite harsh compared to the points values of each control!

Between the next batch of runners, around the 10-11km mark, there is a range of 100 points between first and last in the group, suggesting that time sent route planning is time well spent. If you doubt this, note that Rhiannon was only 20 poins adrift, but ran less than 7km. Astute route choice.

I have uploaded Joe Kenedy’s course, and added control 29 to Paul Horsfall’s course – your track says you went there, though the routegadget detail is a little odd!

Thank you all for coming, on a rather chilly and dreary evening. Hopefully it will be better next week, when we are at Abbeydale, meeting at the Community Centre close to Morrisons.

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