The MapRun Christmas Challenge

Published by Tom Cochrane on

Now that we have over 30 MapRun courses spread over Gloucestershire and surroundings, we thought it was time for a Christmas Challenge: run as many courses as you can over the holidays, and win chocolate-based rewards!

The challenge
Run at as many different “Gloucestershire” MapRuns as you can, over the two week period from Sat 21 December to Sun 5 January inclusive. This covers all the MapRun courses on our website, including MapTrail, MapRide, and any course that you may have run at previously.

  • Run at least 6 courses to appear in the Christmas Hall of Fame.
  • Run at least 8 courses to win a chocolate prize.
  • Run more courses to increase the size of the chocolate bar!

You can also find details on the Facebook event page. Keep an eye out for informal meet-ups over the fortnight where people will be out and about running various courses.

Prizes can be claimed at MapRun events during January/February or other convenient time – let us know when you plan to claim them, as it’ll necessitate a special supermarket trip.

If you haven’t tried MapRun before and want to give it a go, see our MapRun site for details on getting started.

Happy Christmas MapRunning!

Categories: News